MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Steve Johnson by 7:00 p.m.

ATTENDEES: Alan Kjelland; Pastor Andy; Pastor Erin; Kimberly Rowland; Bonnie Pegel; Jeff Anderson; Debby Kinison; Don Morgan; Lisa Zube; Sue Harrington; Bruce Anderson; Laura Reynolds; Steve Johnson; Dave Leder; Heidi Fischer Absent: Greg Hanson, Lizzy Boehnlein
Additional: Dr. Paul Sletten



    • Cathy Cowling led discussion in regards to last vote to make masking optional.
    • Motion made by Heidi Fischer to keep masking mandatory until next council meeting, but change mandatory age group from 2 to 4 years of age. 2nd by Alan Kjelland.
    • Discussion further by Cathy Cowling asking where are duty lies; duty of care; duty of loyalty; duty of obedience; Debby Kinison mentioned that if all stayed the same that at next council meeting possibility of following the school district.
    • Motion made to call the question by Alan Kjelland; 2nd by Dave Leder
    • Question to council, keep masking mandatory until next council meeting, but to change age of mandatory masking from age 2 to age 4.
    • Motion carried.


MEETING ADJOURNED by Dave Leder at 7:54 p.m.