MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Dave Leder by 7:05 p.m.
ATTENDEES: Don Morgan; Pastor Andy; Pastor Erin; Bruce Anderson; Cheryl Sletten; Nick Barden; Dave Leder; Heidi Fischer
Absent: Sue Harrington; Kayla Keil; Kerry Lueders
Also Present: Alicia Dorsett
MOTION to APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Bruce Anderson; 2nd by Heidi Fischer; Motion carried
MOTION to APPROVE AGENDA: Discussion to move item “a” Tiny Treasures to beginning of meeting and approve rest of agenda as printed; Motion carried
DISCUSSION: Amanda Johnson and Cheryl Sletten report on Tiny Treasures new plan and expectations. Tiny Treasures looking for the continued support of Trinity and appreciates Trinity’s assistance in getting information to the public.
DWELLING IN THE WORD: Luke 14:1, 7-14
- Action on Community Building Discussions. Dave Leder presented council with areas of discussion to involved the Invite, Welcome, Connect team to assist council. Council More discussion led to council commissioning Invite, Welcome, Connect team along with assistance from Pastor Erin to #1 Identify the unmet needs of people within our community and craft some type of ministry and/or small group to tend to them and #2 Identify how we connect with people based on their hobbies/interests/passions; as well as needs AND how do we tie that back into Trinity and its ministries. Council to encourage discussion on what type of resources are needed and if there are innovative methods that could be used.
- Sabbatical summary from Pastor Andy. Heidi Fischer reported on discussion with Pastor Erin in regards to her sabbatical experience and/or additional duties, etc. that affected her work load. Dave Leder recommended an additional bonus be given to Pastor Erin for over and above duties performed. Motion made by Bruce Anderson to extend a $600.00 bonus to Pastor Erin; 2nd by Cheryl Sletten; Motion Carried.
- Website Task force presentation from Heidi Fischer. Website task force asking for NOT MORE THAN $10,000 to be used to build new website and hire a web developer. Motion made by Heidi Fischer to use Special Project monies of NOT MORE THAN $10,000; 2nd by Bruce Anderson; Motion Carried. Alicia and office staff to add additional assistance with next steps in proceeding with new website.
- Rental House report from Alicia Dorsett. There have been discussions on how to move forward with removal of current home that is on church parking lot property.
- Ministry Fair this Sunday at Church, Heidi Fischer and Cheryl Sletten to represent council.
MEETING ADJOURNED by Dave Leder at 8:35 p.m.