MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Steve Johnson by 7:02 p.m.

ATTENDEES: Alan Kjelland; Pastor Erin; Pastor Andy; Bonnie Pegel; Sue Harrington; Bruce Anderson; Dave Leder; Steve Johnson; Debby Kinison; Don Morgan; Lisa Zube; Heidi Fischer
Absent: Jeff Anderson; Laura Reynolds
Also Present: Cathy Cowling; Alicia Dorsett


MOTION to APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA: Motion by Dave Leder; 2nd by Lisa Zube; Motion carried

MOTION to APPROVE AGENDA: Motion by Heidi Fischer; 2nd by Dave Leder; Motion carried



  • 2022 proposed budget from Alicia Dorsett. Special thank you from council for keeping costs down and in-line.
    • Motion by Heidi Fischer to approve proposed 2022 budget; 2nd by Dave Leder; Motion carried.
  • Current Covid 19 Protocols. Members of Health Committee present, all made comments and/or had discussion on what we have in place now and recommendations moving forward. Council members able to ask questions. Health Committee members left meeting. Council went into discussion and session about each recommendation from the health committee. 1. Maintain masking until Sunday, December 19. 2. A section of the sanctuary will be designated as a “masks required” area. 3. post-service coffee hour and eating in the church should be suspended until January. 4. For Christmas, masks will be required at one of the three Christmas Eve services. 5. Contact tracing will continue as it has been practiced. 6. The Health committee will meet with Pastors the week of December 12 to review the situation in regards to decisions about singing and spacing. 7. The recommendations above assume our situation doesn’t deteriorate significantly from current status.
    • Council made one addition that any changes to the voted-on recommendations have to be in-person by council and to make any changes to approved recommendations has to be done so through council by a vote.
    • Motion by Heidi Fischer to accept the recommendations from the health committee, along with including that any changes made to the current voted on recommendations require a council in-person vote. 2nd by Sue Harrington; Motion Carried.
  • TLC By-laws presented by Cathy Cowling and Steve Johnson. Council asked to review by next meeting.



  • Website Task Force. Council asked to bring some names back at the December meeting.
  • Mutual Ministries team. Steve Johnson reported that job descriptions for the pastors are being put together.
  • Pastor Andy sabbatical coming up in 2022. Pastor Andy discussed areas of his focus and asked for recommendations. Action plan will be put into place for his sabbatical.


MEETING ADJOURNED by Steve Johnson at 8:59 p.m.